
FITASC Discipline rule changes for 2023


Synopsis of FITASC Discipline Rules Changes for 2023

The FITASC governing body routinely holds its Ordinary General Assembly (OGA) prior to the World FITASC Sporting championships in the country of the host nation for that event.

The 2022 OGA was held in July in the historic city of Orvieto Italy, it was the first OGA where the delegates met face to face since the pandemic.

During the meeting as is the norm, various submissions to FITASC discipline rules were discussed with the following changes agreed.

There have been a number of incidents at various events in 2022 where coaching has been blatantly obvious resulting in the following new coaching rule.

UT (11.10), Compak (21.6) and FITASC Sporting (8.11) have new rules on coaching during competition. If the referee adjudges coaching is taking place, the referee will first issue a warning accompanied with a yellow card to the competitor who is receiving the coaching. The person who the referee considers to be coaching will be asked to leave the layout.

After a first warning, further instances of coaching will have target penalties awarded.

UT has the following additional guidance to the referees and competitors on test firing (17.03).

Test firing will be controlled by the referee, with the competitor testing their firearm by discharging the test shot(s) down range, in the danger area, over the trap house and into the air.

Compak Sporting has a number of changes concerning practise (Chapter 6). In order to ensure sporting fairness for all competitors; practise on the official ranges of Continental and World Championships over the competition machines and trajectories can only commence on the Saturday preceding the week of the event.

Compak, under chapter 5 ‘Layouts’, to ensure sporting fairness to all competitors during continental and world championships,  clubs utilising their fixed machine positions will not be allowed to use these installations; clubs will have to use 48 new machines installed and adjusted for the championships only.

Additionally, starting the sequence of targets of Compak by Line has been amended yet again. The changes in 2022 on showing the simultaneous double(s) to the first competitor were not well received by the competitors. The procedure has been reviewed it is now much better and more fair to the first competitor. These changes can be found at 17.5.2.  Briefly, the first competitor of the line will be shown each simultaneous double after attempting their single(s) at each position until completion of position 5.

The rules for 2023 are now available on the FITASC web under the sporting rules tab.

I wish you all good shooting, refereeing, and the very best of luck for the 2023 competition calendar.


Signed on original

Hugh Smith

 (President FITASC Referees Commission)